Thursday, January 22, 2009

January Prayer Requests

Hello Everyone,
Well, we arrived in Ghana over one week ago and things are already as if we had never left. It is always good to be back and ministering with our friend's here.

Ghana has just been through a Presidential election in December and after a run off, a new man is in office just like in the USA. We are praying for both countries to realize the benefits of men who will seek after God for their decisions. We are also praying that Ghana will continue to grow in Christianity and progress socially.

We will be here in Accra until Monday the 25th of January and then we will be off to Wa and the villages there (like our beloved Zupiri). We are so looking forward to seeing everyone up there!!!


Pray for our time here in Ghana and for Arts Center Community Church in Accra along with Shepherds Home.
Pray for the village of Zupiri up in the Upper West Region of Ghana.

Pray for our travels on the roads. Pray for strength and health for us.

Pray for our daughter's Laura and Lisa. Pray for Lisa who is a realtor with Remax in Moyock, NC. Pray for clients and closings!!!

Pray for our family back in the States.

As we continue to pray and press forward to the goals set before us, we remain
in HIS service,
Keith & Debbie Jaggers
MOSA Founders


Connie Brew said...

Just so you'll know someone is actually reading this...
Love you guys! You're in our hearts even as you are physically on the other side of the pond! Pray for us, too!

Intltravler said...

Awesome! you guys bless us so much and we are grateful 4 ur lives! We think of you often and miss you both soooo much!